Hepburn Streetscapes

A belief in people-driven design outcomes led us to conceive ‘Your Main Street’ as the title for this community engagement, planning and design project undertaken for five towns in the Hepburn Shire - Glenlyon, Hepburn Springs, Trentham, Clunes and Creswick.
Outlines designed and facilitated an extensive communications strategy for the project which culminated in delivery of town centre master plans and detailed streetscape design proposals. The communication strategy included the creation of a unique brand and identity for the project. This informed material for community engagement and a range of collateral, medium and web-based platforms for the dissemination and collection of information. Unique pop-up installations were installed which uncovered cues to the eventual design outcomes.

Harnessing the passion and engagement that locals had for their communities, the project delivered long-term visions for each of the towns. It has been terrific to see many of the works rolled-out in the time since the project, a credit to the Shire and locals alike.