Maits Rest

With ageing infrastructure and year-round pressure from increased visitation, Parks Victoria sought a world-class bespoke design solution for a unique site in the Great Otway National Park.
The experience at Maits Rest takes you along a valley floor within the ancient temperate rainforest. Giant myrtle beeches rise through the mists and create a canopy for the amazing array of tree ferns, forest floor vegetation and wildlife.

The opportunity to apply our passion for natural environments with carefully crafted design was one we relished and undertook with care and responsibility at Maits Rest. All of the trail infrastructure, from the trail head, raised boardwalks, lookouts and bridges were informed by a sensitive respect to their unique location, often utilising pre-fabrication and low-impact construction.
The lasting legacy of the work will lie in the respect it pays to the forest. Visitors, who are informed and educated about their role in protecting the environment through design, are given an immersive, humbling and memorable experience.
Through the considered placement of constructed trail elements, the forest systems are better protected and the experience is heightened.’ Damon Obst project director.